The Kaddish Service.
For over 1,800 years, we have honored our parents by saying the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the deceased. 
Kaddish is the traditional mourner's prayer, evoking our deepest faith and hope. 
It is considered a tremendous merit and source of elevation for the soul of the deceased to have these words expressed publicly.
Kaddish is recited for eleven months after death, and thereafter, each year on the yahrtzeit (anniversary) of the passing.
The ideal preference is that the children of the deceased recite Kaddish after their parents, three times daily, for the first eleven months after the passing. When this is not possible, or as a supplement or safeguard to that, another person can be hired to do so. 

For your convenience, we have arranged to help you with this choice, if you'd like.

Daily First Year- $750 - Tax Deductible Donation.
Kaddish and Mishna recited three times daily for the first year, then on the day of yahrtzeit, 

Week of Yortzait - $126 - Tax Deductible Donation.

Kaddish and Mishna recited three times for the week of  the upcomming yahrtzeit.

Single Day - $36

Kaddish and Mishna recited three times on the day of  upcomming yahrtzeit.

Information about the Deceased

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